Bac Licence Economics Business Studies FSJES Ain Chok 2022

Université Hassan II – Casablanca/ Mohammedia
جامعة الحسن الثاني – الدارالبيضاء/ المحمدية
FSJES Ain Chok 2022-2023
كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية عين الشق- لحملة البكالوريا 
Licence Economics & Business Studies 
الترشيح فقط عبر الأنترنت قبل : 17-09-2022

Bac Licence Economics Business Studies FSJES Ain Chok 2022
Bac Licence Economics Business Studies FSJES Ain Chok 2022
مسلك الإجازة في تخصص الاقتصاد : Economics & Business Studies يدرس بالانجليزية
1-Conditions  et Calendrier:

Il est porté à la connaissance des bacheliers qui souhaitent s’inscrire en licence « Economics & Business Studies » de remplir le formulaire en bas afin de passer le test d’admission. La formation est dispensée en langue anglaise, étalée sur 6 semestres. 

Le dernier délai pour remplir le formulaire en ligne est le 17 septembre 2022 à 23h59. Aucune candidature ne sera retenue après cette date.

2-information sur la licence:

1- This degree offers an education that balances a core curriculum drawing on a range of independent and inter-related disciplines, and a series of courses that are tailored to understand and keep the pace with a continuously changing world. Students are trained in the fields of Economics, Law, Mathematics/ Statistics and Business.

2- With the support of teaching assistance, the students will be fully prepared to meet the current and future demands of a competitive job market- and business world. The English Undergraduate Degree in Economics and Business Administration is aimed at offering the students a learning experience according to the most diffused international standards.

3-The English-taught class enables us to recruit students from different countries especially from African countries. A diverse and multicultural class will enrich the students’ learning


Bac Licence Economics Business Studies FSJES Ain Chok 2022

Formulaire : Economics & Business Studies